Real-Time Alerts

mediaTRUST Romania provides the Alert service which helps clients make fast and correct decisions, by real-time notification on topics of interest in the monitored news and shows.

Quick notification

The real-time monitoring of the most important media channels allows us to provide a new service, useful to mediaTRUST Romania’s clients.

Alerts involve the immediate signaling of materials requested by clients, according to key words which can be: the company, the products or the brands’ name. The results of the monitoring are made available by e-mail or SMS.

Follow the sensitive topics

Follow the sensitive topics

Alerts involve the immediate signaling of materials requested by clients, according to key words which can be: the company, the products or the brands’ name. The results of the monitoring are made available by e-mail or SMS.

Respond to messages from media

Real-time alerts offer clients a significant advantage in carrying out their own communication and marketing strategies, the opportunity to react quickly in crisis situations by right to reply, as well as continuous information on the evolution of interest events.

See mTR


in action